Hampshire Swifts has a limited stock of the following branded items for sale.
These Swift mugs were designed specially for us and are exceptional value at £ 3.50 each.
Hampshire Swift cotton shopping bags are available at £ 2.50 each
Packs of Swift notelets, 5 per pack with one of each design together with envelopes. Each notelet is blank inside but has our contact details on the back. These cost £ 3.00 a pack.
In addition to the above Hampshire Swifts products, we have a few copies of the well-regarded Swift DVD, "Devil Birds" which was produced by Derek Bromhall and is still regarded as one of the best Swifts DVDs available, £ 10.00 each
Dick Newell of Action for Swifts has produced the "I Am A Swift" booklet for children. This is a hugely popular publication and makes for the perfect introduction to Swifts and is extraordinary value at £ 1.50 per booklet but we have very few remaining. An example of one of the inside pages....
Many of our activities across Hampshire are self-funding in that individuals and many organisations pay for Swift nest boxes and bricks to be installed. In certain circumstances this isn't possible and where we consider the project is of high conservation value then Hampshire Swifts will use its financial reserves to ensure the project can proceed. All proceeds from sales of the items above will be used to fund such projects.
Note that the prices above do not include any packaging/delivery costs and assume items will be collected or delivered by arrangement.
How To Order
1. email your requirements to info@hampshireswifts.co.uk and state whether you will collect in person (from Brockenhurst) or wish to receive a quote for postage & packing.
2. you will receive a reply within 24 hours. Payment can be by bank transfer (preferred), cash or cheque.
3. note the 20th December is the last posting date for Christmas (1st class, UK addresses).